MEDIA RELEASE: Meals on Wheels Australia warmly welcomes the Federal Government’s $37 million cost-of-living funding boost for aged care meals services.

Meals on Wheels Australia warmly welcomes the Federal Government’s $37 million cost-of-living funding boost for aged care meals services. This timely investment will assist more than 500 meals providers nationwide in addressing increasing cost pressures and ensuring the delivery of nutritious, quality meals to older Australians in their homes.

A special NMOWD message from Parliamentary Friends of Meals on Wheels Co-Chairs

A very special message from Parliamentary Friends of Meals on Wheels Co-Chairs, Mark Coulton MP and Steve Georganas MP ahead of National Meals on Wheels Day. Their appreciated support helps elevate the essential role we play in Australian communities and shares our purpose with fellow members of the Government and other key stakeholders. Thank you!

Meals on Wheels™ combats social isolation, one meal at a time 

Every day, Meals on Wheels™  is serving up more than just a meal to older Australians in communities right across the country. With the help of our wonderful and committed volunteers, we’re helping to combat the national health issue of social isolation, one meal delivery at a time. A recent report into the social impact […]

Meals on Wheels™ delivers on the nutritional needs of older Australians 

Eating well is an important factor in maintaining good health, wellbeing and independence as we age, particularly when you’re over 65. But currently, many older Australians are struggling to meet their changing nutritional needs and it’s putting them at risk. Around 1.2 million older Australians in communities right across the country are malnourished or at […]

Meals on Wheels’ customer-volunteer connection is critical. 

A new report has highlighted how Australia’s iconic Meals on Wheels services are delivering more than just a meal to their combined 200,000 customers. They’re combating social isolation among Australia’s growing ageing population – one meal at a time.